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FINAL SALE! Understanding + Supporting your Nervous System Course

FINAL SALE! Understanding + Supporting your Nervous System Course



The Nervous System is the most important system in our entire being. It has the dominant influence over our thoughts, behaviors, feelings, sensations, physiology, connection, health, relationship to our Self, involuntary responses and so much more. When we're able to understand what it's doing and why it's doing what it's doing, that awareness alone can allow us to reclaim our power to be in harmony with it, with ourselves, and not only that, but to feel safe to come back into our body and have more conscious control and influence over how we're responding to ourselves so that it can continue to feel like everything is here working for us instead of against us.



In this course I will be teaching you SO much about not only the Nervous System, but YOUR Nervous System.From the time it was developed, until now, you'll be able to understand your own unique physiology, how it was developed, so much more about your inner child and subconscious patterns you could be carrying and why you're still playing them out, and how much your Nervous System and all of your parts have been showing up to protect you throughout your life. This course will offer you infinite ways to show up and support all areas of your being from an emotional, physical, mental and energetic perspective so that you can move into a greater state of allowance, empowerment, embodiment, liberation and wholeness.


You'll be able to start to see and feel a shift in how life and your being is moving with you and on your behalf. The information that I'm sharing with you in this course has radically changed my life on every single level and in every single area and it's my greatest hope it will support change, resolve, repair and healing in yours too! 



- 6 weeks of greater awareness, clarity, knowledge and so many new multidimensional ways to understand and support your Nervous System and entire being to be in more harmony and an overall state of safety and allowance for all that you are

- 10 hours worth of recorded content going over all of the educational materials

- 650 pages of educational material

- 50 pages of worksheets, guides, practices, journal prompts, affirmations, self discovery questions

- 100 + self and co-regulating practices

- 135 days to integrate all of the material and then all content is available for saving, download and printing so you can have it forever.

- and so much more!!



At the start of each week that weeks content will be uploaded. You'll then have 3 more additional months after you join to go over the content - so 135 days total. You're welcome at any time to download, save and print all content to keep forever!


WEEK 1 - Understanding the basic functioning of the Nervous System, Stress, Trauma, The Conscious and Subconscious mind, and how we perceive safety and danger


WEEK 2 - The Energy body, chakras, Emotions, the emotional body, and how we express ourselves.


WEEK 3 - The Inner Child, Our Parts, how we Self-protect, coping mechanisms, survival patterns, the Importance of the maternal line + connection with the Mother


WEEK 4 - Polyvagal Theory, The states of our Nervous System and how they show up in our body via thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and the importance of the Vagus Nerve and how to stimulate it


WEEK 5 - Dysregulation and Regulation and what it looks like based off of the different states of the Nervous system that we move into, how to properly regulate and 100 + Regulating Practices


WEEK 6 - Self-empowerment, creating healthy boundaries, healthy connection and the Nervous System's role in connection, attachment styles, the masculine and feminine


[ Upon purchase of this course there are no refunds and upon completion of this course there is no guarantee of healing. Please read the full disclaimer on my website before purchase as all purchases are automatically abiding by these agreements. ]

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