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Everything you need to know about this course is shared below...
New Recording 3474Kristen Csuhran
00:00 / 06:40

What is The Mirror?

THE MIRROR is an 8 week self-paced RELATIONSHIP COURSE that will help you gain greater Nervous System awareness which in turn supports you in cultivating healthier connection both within yourself and with others.

Because our Nervous system is relational, it was literally developed based off of our earliest forms of connection, it’s most mirrored back to us in connection as well, especially more intimate connection. This course is here to offer awareness as to how what we see and what is triggered in us based off of another is really just a reflection of our self and our parts - this is THE MIRROR - this is how we come back to our individual power and then how we can use this information that’s moving through our physiology, mind, and emotions to better resource inside and tend to our parts which strengthens our connection to our unmet needs while also helping us better understand another and how to be there for them as well.

You'll learn new ways to connect and show up for yourself based off of the state of the Nervous System your parts learned to shift into to protect themself when they were in childhood and also then learn how to show up in a healthier way for others and your partner, especially, based off of the state of their Nervous System, inner child parts, and their specific needs.


This course is here to most importantly help you become more empowered and be able to cultivate more safety with all that you are, feel, and experience, but also ultimately to help strengthen your bond in connection with those outside of you. You'll get the awareness, understanding and tools to be able to show up in conflict and ruptures from a much more grounded, safe and regulated place which can allow for your relationships to improve exponentially.

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What's Included in this 8 week Relationship Course:

- 8 modules, 1 per week, which include 1-4 lessons each module

- 15 hours worth of recorded content going over all of the materials offered

- 700 pages of educational material

- 50 pages of worksheets which include guides, practices, journal prompts, affirmations, self discovery questions, relationship tools

- 70 + self and co-regulating practices

- 365 days to integrate all of the material and then all content is available for saving, download and printing so you can have it forever.

- and more!!

Weekly Outline

Below is the information that I'll be covering each week in this 8 week Relationship Course which will help give you so much empowerment and new understanding as to how you can further support your whole being and healthier connection.



Understanding the basic functioning of the Nervous System, Stress, Trauma, The Conscious and Subconscious mind, and how we perceive safety and danger

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Polyvagal Theory, The states of our Nervous System + how they show up in our body via thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, the importance of the Vagus Nerve + how to stimulate it



Emotions + how we express ourselves. The Inner Child, Our Parts, how we Self-protect, coping mechanisms, survival patterns, the Importance of the maternal line + connection with the Mother and how our Inner child shows up in Connection

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Connection of all kinds, Connection vs. Attachment, Attachment styles, The MIRROR, The NS role in connection, Masculine and Feminine embodiments, wounded parts, + practices, how to re-balance, giving and receiving

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 Your energy body, how much your energy field can effect those around you especially in connection, the chakras and their role in connection


Dysregulation, Rupture, Navigating Conflict based off of each other’s Nervous system states, triggers, signs of an unhealthy relationship, the energy of addiction, gaslighting, narcissism, why those with trauma can be drawn to narcissists, feeling unheard and unseen, the energy of blame, endings, grief, the neuroscience of breakups and why it can feel so hard to let go, moving on in a healthy way, the energy of Abandonment

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Regulation and what it looks like based off of the different states of the Nervous system that we move into, how to properly regulate and 70 + Regulating Practices for the self and how to regulate with our partners or those we’re in connection with

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Healthy connection, Healing, Coming back into union and harmony, how to create repair, how to help each other feel seen and heard in connection, how to let a healthy connection in, how to reclaim your power to still be an authentic in connection, Creating healthy boundaries, creating greater intimacy, sacred sexuality, womb work

Who this course can be most supportive for:

- you find yourself constantly drawn to the same type of people and relationship dynamics that are re-traumatizing you, bringing out parts of you that you no longer wish to experience, and are ready to receive and be drawn to something new


- you’re seeking more clarity as to why you feel stuck in chronic states of stress, dysregulation, anxiety, panic, disassociation, depression or shutdown and desperately want a new way to exist


- You want to cultivate a stronger connection with your partner and have the awareness of how to repair rupture and conflict in a way that you both can feel seen


- you've been on the receiving end of dealing with narcissism, being gaslit, manipulated, controlled, and you want to heal the scared parts that this brought up in you



- you're really tired of feeling like things will never change and you have to feel this way forever or that you're stuck in these types of unhealthy relationships forever



- you feel afraid to feel your emotions, thoughts and to express yourself especially when you're in connection with another/a partner



- you're ready to understand yourself and others in a way you never have before which can help bridge so much detachment from others actions and words and realize it's a reflection of them, not you



- you're seeking clarity as to how to heal and resolve all of the parts of you that are still seeking to have their needs met, expressed, and nurtured


- you're ready to be able to be the one who can tend to your own needs instead of moving into urgency, co-dependency and panic and anxiousness towards your partner

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My why for creating this course:

Getting into Nervous System work, which ended up completely changing my life and how I show up and relate to myself and the world, ended up being the result of me immensely struggling in partnership. I tried to consciously choose relationships, but always found myself so immensely triggered in them and being in ones that didn't feel like they fully served me, but couldn't let go. I was massively anxiously attached because my childhood never fully offered my inner child the safety it needed and the Nervous System was developed in childhood so all of this came flooding up to the surface when I was back in a place of deep connection. I would have panic attacks all of the time, nonstop anxiety, manifested ulcers, stomach issues, and massive health issues when in certain relationships that weren't providing me safety and I knew I didn't want to exist that way for my entire life because my desire for connection and partnership and conscious connection always outweighed all of the self-protective inner child parts of me that couldn't quiet themselves down or who simply weren't feeling safe and we're read to fight and run. I knew I was worthy of this safety both within and without and wanted to empower myself to figure out how to get there so I could receive what I knew I was worthy of.


After going through a series of men just abruptly "abandoning" me and leaving me when it seemed like we were at our peak of joy in connection and all was well, I recognized there was a deeper pattern of a lack of safety within myself that I had to address and that I couldn't always be looking outside of me subconsciously for others to save me.


I remember laying on the floor literally hyperventilating crying after being abandoned, feeling so scared and alone, feeling like my ribs were literally cracking, aching in pain, when I knew I had to pull myself out of this and that no one else could do it for me, I realized in that moment he just wasn't coming back and there was no one else around that I could turn to, I had to be the one to step up for myself and save myself. I saw how much he had my power and my identity in his hands. That I had given that to him because parts of me weren't ever taught the safety to be who they are and to stay in my body. It was then that I realized that I had to be strong now for this little girl who continued to never feel seen and by me continuing to look outside for safety subconsciously it was keeping her in a place of feeling abandoned endlessly by me more than anyone and that's what was then attracting this outside of me, causing her to be chronically dysregulated. This is when I truly saw The Mirror. That others can't offer us anything other that where parts of us already are.


So in that moment, and even though it was still excruciating and terrifying, I dedicated every waking moment to find ways to get them, my inner child parts, to feel safe.


Everything I share in this course is from years of research, energetic awareness - seeing into energy and doing energy work, studying Polyvagal theory and the Vagus Nerve, what I learned from functional medicine doctors and 13 years of holistic medicine research, trying somatic practices, taking classes and courses on embodiment, my real life experiential evidence of how to show up for myself in all of these moments - the gentleness and compassion I had to learn for myself that I was never shown, what worked and what didn't, and holding this space for clients for the past 6 years in both 1-on-1 Empowerment sessions and in my Empowered Embodiment and Nervous System Mentorships. 


I truly believe that this offering and the information I'm sharing can alter awareness and help to change absolutely everyone's life for the better and bless them with new ways to understand how they and others work along with supporting them in a direction where they're able to feel so good inside, at One with them self and not afraid of life, feelings or the sensations that they may feel inside of them. I know for a fact that there's another way to show up and to live both internally and in partnership, that there can be more ease, peace, harmony despite the conflict that is inevitable in healthy connection and I am so grateful to hold that space to show you the way there.


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Below I've gone ahead and tried to answer some questions you might have about this Course. If you have anymore questions please don't hesitate to reach out to me via the contact form on the bottom of the page, or at

    Right now I have been guided to work only with women. I ask also that you are over the age of 20. And most importantly I ask that you have a strong desire invested in to wanting to move forward in your life. That you are ready to begin letting go of what isn't of service to your highest and that you are ready to take responsibility for the world around you and within you by doing that remembering that you own your power to rewrite whatever you so desire to. I ask that you're open to believing that so much more exists out there for you. I ask that you are open to receiving information that could assist your path even if its something you never saw for your self and maybe even much different than how you "wanted" your life to go, but also an opportunity that could allow you to receive more than you ever imagined.
    Sessions can be done over the phone or via voice recordings and text. I do work with clients all over the world so being in a different country is no problem. We can connect via Whatsapp, Signal, Telegram, etc. If you did want to work via voice recordings and texts, here's some benefits to this way of connecting... On 1-on-1 call where there is a direct and immediate interaction, there isn't time to slow down necessarily and to properly process information, to receive all of the information with all of my senses clear and fully engaged, not just the words you're saying, but the feelings and where they're showing up in my(your) body, where are they stemming from, the masculine or feminine, how the nervous system is responding(so how much fear is present in the patterns) and then the energy too. There also isn't always time to really think about the "right" questions to ask, to always have time to ask them, especially in the magnitude that I receive information multi-dimensionally. I have found through a lot of soul guidance, sessions, and success with working this wa that this is the healthiest way that I can work to serve my client's highest. I'm able to go back to something you've said, reintegrate it on deeper levels, take a second to process it instead of immediately feeling a need to respond which can cause inaccurate information and not the highest information you deserve to be relayed as it can just come from the healer's personal experience instead of what purpose it was really there for you, and most importantly, because my work is all around self-empowerment, it calls the client into higher levels of their empowerment too. You might think, how can that be? Well, when we're connecting that intimately, voice to voice, yes energetically, this is a very intimate connection because we're working through more amplified frequency, one can pull on the other's energy unconsciously and not stand as strongly in their own space and be more reliant and co-dependent on the one "healing" them. In this format there is a bit of space or detachment in the connection where the client actually gets to call on their self even more. I see it energetically and it's the most beautiful thing while doing this work together. I also love this format because the client gets a minute to process things too and in the freedom of their own space and sometimes this information could be a lot for you too as it's new and from a much higher level than maybe you're used to receiving on top of the energy work also going on. Some people also have a harder time opening up and being more vulnerable with another's energy present, or maybe they're working through their own wounds of judgement and might feel like someone else could be judging them. Not everyone wants to cry or process their deeper and more vulnerable emotions, and although that's an important part of growth, I want everyone who comes to me to feel as safe as possible because this allows for their energy to actually truly receive what information I'm offering them on an even deeper level. With this way of working together, you will have these voice recordings to replay as often as desired, which most clients have absolutely loved so that they can listen to them again and again every time they're starting to feel stuck or the same patterns are coming up to help them remember their divine truth.
    There is no need to prepare for a session! You are welcome exactly as you are without having to show up in a any certain way. If you did want to tune in and get quiet and write down your intentions for our session and specifics of why you felt drawn to me or what you wanted to specifically talk about, of course you absolutely can, but that's not necessary. I trust that whatever shows up in our time together is what was meant to surface for you.
    This lies entirely up to you. I'm here to support your path in any means necessary and to give you guidance as it relates to your current situations and what's manifesting all around you in hopes to help you realign with the life you're so worthy of and desiring. Common topics that do tend to come up: - lots of deeper understanding as to current connections one is in and what place within you invited this connection in, wounds or the heart, and whether its beneficial to keep it moving forward and then if it is, how to go about that - deeper insight as to understand your underlying and subconscious energetic patterns that result in everything that's showing up in your life - root energetics as to illnesses, diseases, autoimmunity, physical ailments, etc. - guidance as to how to move forward on your highest path possible - how to go about re-balancing your life - Nervous System awareness and support - helping and supporting you in meeting your self-protective parts and traumas with compassion and understanding There is no judgement during a session and the information we discuss will never leave our session. I honor your journey, I honor your vulnerability, and I honor your willingness to desire more for yourself and for taking the action towards receiving that and I hold that sacred with you. It's also important to realize that I can only show up for you at the amount that you show up for you. I AM here as your equal and your mirror. Because I show up to honor your energy and to not invade or cross your own personal boundaries or what you're comfortable with. If you really want to heal at a deep level, you must really dive and go deep in what you share with me as I can only meet you at the level you meet yourself and I can only access information to the level that you share information with me. It's ok if this is something you're not quite sure how to do, I will ask questions and guide you along the way to help stir up specific things.
    Well, I consider all humans to be psychic and clairvoyant. By natural birthright and in our purest essence we are One with all that is and walk with the upmost clarity, but most of us have shut these abilities off or have simply just stop being aware of them due to fear and survival parts of us that had to block us from these parts of us if there was ever a lack of safety created around them. But to answer your question, No. I'm not here to predict your future or how your relationship or path will go as you are the creator of that, not me. You have the power to change your course at any moment by divine free will choice so I leave your future up to you as I'm not the one who will be living in it or receiving it, you will be. I also don't communicate with other Gods/Goddesses/Your Guardian Angels/Angels/Ascended Masters/Galactic/star Beings or communicate with the Dead or those who have transitioned etc. My work lies in my ability to read energy and to see energetic patterns specifically relating to core wounds, subconscious patterns, self-protective parts, and traumas that are hindering your highest potential. I also do tend to see past lives and will share if I feel this is of service to your highest.
    Firstly, I'm not crazy about the word healing or healer because there is no point ever in this journey where 1. anything is ever "wrong" with us, that's a judgement and an illusion and 2. there's also no point where we're totally "healed" in terms of what humans look at this as. We're here to continue to experience, learn, grow, and there's no final destination. There beauty is in the journey. But, "Healing" is happening constantly, and most often in forms that look completely unlike what we consider to be "healing." On a cellular level you're constantly transmuting, purifying, cleansing, and upgrading and this is where I tend to work - in the energetic space which can't be physically "seen". "Healing" however is ultimately up to the client. The client must be an active participant in changing their potential and free will to create something new by shifting their perspectives, moving stagnant and unresolved energy out of their body and subconscious which of course starts with implementing a new focus, new practices, and rewriting a new mindset and then that is what manifests in their future physical world as their new desired reality. My guess is you were drawn to me for a reason, whether that reason is known or unknown, so even just in our energetic exchange healing work is taking place. It might not be as profound as your "expectations" in just one session because we can only get through so much in a short amount of time, but you also have yet to see what these subtle shifts or clarity from our working together can shift and awaken for your future self and gift you with. The way I work is that I help show you subconscious patterns that might be self-protecting and not allowing you to get to where you desire to go and bring to light what internally is continuing to create connections and experiences outside of you that are not what you desire, and then share with you tools to to support your in seeing that/those parts of yourself and things to be conscious of in your future. "Healers" are just here to hold space for your own ability to heal - because at your purest level you are a "healer" too - you've just forgotten how. So if a "healer" claims they can "100% fix you", it's a scam and an illusion. Your "healing" needs you. It requires you to shift you. You have to follow through with committing to new thought forms, behaviors, choices, etc. You have to support your body with the proper means, food, environment, thought-forms and choices to support YOUR change, no one else can do that for you. It is all up to you. And that is the most powerful gift you've ever been given.
    Of course they are, especially for multiple session packages! I completely honor that everyone is at different stages of their unique journey and thus different financial states as well. I am more than happy to break down a payment for you, but the payment must be completed in full before the session if you're just purchasing one session and if you've signed up for a package, at least a certain agreed upon amount must be paid before our first session together.
    CUSTOM TIME I have worked with many to help create a session that works with both their spiritual and financial needs or with whatever's currently going on, I will however not work longer then 90 minutes at a time as this can fry out both of our energies as a lot takes place during our session together. EVERYTHING APPEARS TO BE SOLD OUT? I may be sold out, traveling, or simply taking a break from sessions, but normally can always create space for you if you're seeking assistance so please just contact me if you don't see the offering you're needing.
    All session policies are listed under SESSIONS POLICIES under the SESSION heading on this website. When purchasing anything on my website, especially a session, you are automatically agreeing to my shop and session policies and must abide by them. So please make sure you have a chance to read through them before you go ahead and purchase a session with me to make sure that they resonate with you before you agree to them.

Explore the Collection

All of these courses were created to support your Nervous System to teach you how to gain more safety and wholeness with all that you are.



Please note that the information shared on this website or through any content produced by You are Luminous LLC. and Kristen Csuhran across any platform, along with any and all information shared during this Understanding and Supporting your Nervous System Course is in no way a substitute for medical or mental care nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent, but only to assist alongside any other treatments that may have been prescribed to the reader. Please do not discontinue use of any medication, supplements or disregard advice from any trained medical professional. Kristen Csuhran and You are Luminous LLC. is not responsible for the actions of the reader, her audience, her clients, or anyone else, and their personal choices made out of their own free will.


When you purchase any offering by You are Luminous, you automatically agree to all of YOU ARE LUMINOUS LLC's policies stated throughout this page, my website, and on my Shop policies.

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